My Top Priority - Homelessness
I want to fix the homeless problem. This is my top priority. Here, you can click on this link and see what the current situation is. Please click on this link to see a detailed plan.

Schools are not the mayor’s jurisdiction. But I can advocate. Here is a partial list of what I did. Sign a petition for a new Fremont Technical School here.
Public Safety
Since the start of 2024, the Fremont police has stopped reporting on homeless disturbances calls. Why? The people have the right to know. Short of men-power? Fremont police department’s police record group has 16 people. 1 police record administrator. 3 police record supervisors. 9 police record specialists. 3 police record assistants. All data from the City’s 2024-25 budget. No change from 23-24 fiscal year. Click here to see the history.
Fix Our Roads
I am tired of all the cracks and potholes. You? Just how efficient is the city? It turned Fremont Blvd. north bound from a 2-lane road to 1. After huge daily traffic jams. It turns the road back to 3 lanes. Remember?
Future Action
We intend to launch a ballot measure on 2026. The ballot measure will reflect our current position. More to come
Election Interference
Some people tried to interfere with my election. Here is the link.
Hiu's Corner
This is where you can see Hiu's blog. Not a new post every day. But quite often.
I started working when I was 15. 10th grade. $2 per hour. It was not exactly a glamourous beginning. But I survived. Please click here so you can understand what motivate me. I am 66 years old now. Diabetic. Perhaps I will write a book someday. What is important is this: if I am elected to become Fremont Mayor, I promise to move mountains if necessary to get the jobs done. I care about Fremont. It is my City. Please support. Vote on November. Your vote for me is a vote for Fremont.