Hiu Ng Current Resume as related to FUSD

- Education: I graduated from a Chicago public high school and my children graduated from Forest Park, Thornton and American.
- School Site Council: Served as member/chair of School Site Council at elementary, jr. high and high school levels
- PTA/PTSA Health and Safety Co-Chair: at Forest Park and Thornton including team efforts for a “Health and Safety Night” focusing on students’ personal health and safety, and a “Safety Walkthrough” of the entire Thornton school site. These are new and unique undertakings
- Facility Advocacy: Endlessly advocated for much needed bathrooms and air conditioning system improvements at American and other high schools.
- Education Budget Advocacy: Spent 4 years urging less budget cuts for public education in general and cuts away from classrooms and students at state and FUSD levels. Served as Fremont Council PTA’s Legislation Chair for 2 of those years.
- State PTA Honorary Service Award: Received CA State PTA Honorary Service Award from Thornton Jr. High PTSA.
- FUSD Technology Advisory Committee: Founding member and Sub-Committee Chair [by-laws] of FUSD’s Technology Advisory Committee. Urging upgrades for FUSD’s technology infrastructure and bringing technology to assist instructional delivery and quality.
- Long-term Facility Planning: Member of FUSD’s Long-term Facility Planning Committee and helped create FUSD’s Long-term Facility Plan. Visited every FUSD school site and listened to school staff and parents for their needs. A long and significant track record of publicly supporting school facility needs from all attendance areas.
- Tutoring: Served as a volunteer tutor for a drop-in (no appointment needed) after-school student assistance program at American for 2 years.
- AVID Program Volunteer: Served as an AVID (Achievement Via Individual Determination) volunteer working with 3 caring teachers and other capable tutors inside classrooms for 7th and 8th grade students at Thornton. This involved working 4 hours every week over one school year. I was not supposed to provide answers; I was supposed to help students discover the answers with their own mental efforts and therefore learn the problem solving process. One of the most rewarding things that I have ever done.
- Community Chess Program Coach: Served as coach and then head coach for Forest Park’s previous community chess program for 3 years. Taught sportsmanship (win with grace; lose with dignity) and critical thinking skills. Near the end of the third year, some of my 4th grade students were able to figure out and articulate 4-move checkmates (a total of at least 7 changes at the chess board was needed; when branches of other possible moves were included, the total was more than 7 changes…) without moving chess pieces. It was all visualization. I learned - the kids are indeed stunningly capable within a proper environment.
- Tri-City Chinese School Volunteer: After Forest Park, some other parents got me involved, and I taught sportsmanship and critical thinking again at the non-profit, Saturday-morning-only Tri-City Chinese School (TCCS) for 13 years. Chess is simply a tool. Despite its name, TCCS does serve interested students from all backgrounds generally from central and northern Fremont.
- Union Negotiations: During the last “work-to-rule” occurrence, talked with the then Negotiating Chair from Fremont Teachers’ Union for 2 hours and 15 minutes at FUDTA office about FUSD finance. The conversation was professional and reasonable.
*The above is a partial list. I have helped many individual parents and students from all across Fremont with school issues.

I normally don't take pictures of people's comments. I have these because someone left them in an unmarked envelope and left it to me in my mailbox. Someone wanted me to see. Someone wanted me to know. So I guess I should also let you know. I don't know who these people are.